June 15, 2024

DADA (5 jun 1918 ano – 5 fev 1930 ano)


1918 - 1930

-didn't see art as precious and was often discarded
-commented on the absurdity of society
- expressed disaffection for materialist and nationalist views that promoted the war
- no specific style
- shaped from the violence of WWI and the Spanish Flu
- art was produced by chance rather than reason
- critical re-examination of traditions, rules, and logic
- imaginative humor and irony
- mocked and attacked established movements (art didn't help society)
- used similar techniques to futurists but in an anti-thetical way (involved technology)
-movement emerged in multiple countries

ZURICH DADA: artists fled to Switzerland during the war

ARP 1916
- collages
- automatic execution/made from chance (dropped paper onto the collage)
- rejected the ideas that artists were skilled and geniuses
- depersonalization of art, distancing himself from the creative process

- sculptures
- non-representational / "ugly" materials
- against traditional sculptures
- known as "constructed paintings"
- made of thin layers of painted wood
- shapes started as automatic drawings

- drawings
- artists' ability to surrender control
- not looking at what he was drawing

BALL 1917
- founded the Cabaret Voltaire (a meeting place where current values could be attacked)
- actor in a Dada drama
- Phonetic Poem: sounds rather than words ; uses "words in motion"

- mechanomorphic style
- worked at multiple Dada schools
- work depicted functionless machinery (as a body)
- machinery as ironic mode of representation

GROSZ 1920
- paintings of social satire
- depicted Germany after WWI (prostitutes, violence, inflation)
- expressed disgust with German society and man kind

MAN RAY 1923
- New York
- disrupts the functionality of objects in this sculptures
- solarisation: turning on the light in the darkroom
- rayographs: camera-less prints (placing objects on photographic paper)
- abstract photos
- different effects created by controlling exposure and distance from the paper

- worked with Grosz to run a satire weekly
- work was used as propaganda
- reassembled photos from the media (photomontage) and retouched them to make them look like one seem-less image
- criticized the Nazi political group
- empty-minded mad people

- photomontage
- features communist leaders and celebrities
- machinery items

DUCHAMP 1915-1930
- Ready-mades: objects were not made by the artist but chosen by the artist (that choice makes it art)
- work required little manipulation by the artist
- commonly found objects that are rendered useless
- used text in his art (ex. as puns)
- since it is made of glass, there is a chance environment
- bride has a machine like form
- Anemic Cinema: motorized rotating wheels flms

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

16 dez 2018


5 jun 1918 ano
5 fev 1930 ano
~ 11 years