// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Life in Computer Science (1 set 2010 ano – 12 jun 2012 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Life in Computer Science (1 set 2010 ano – 12 jun 2012 ano)


Where are the other women in CS? I begin to wonder if there is a pipeline problem. (This is before I learn about code schools such as Hackbright and how there are plenty of technical women out there who have different degrees.) I go to a Grace Hopper conference and feel less alone.

I work towards my Computer Science degree with a Computer Systems concentration. I take a series of Physics and Statistics classes for Engineers. I take the required Electrical Engineering courses and make a robot that can shoot wads of paper into baskets. I make an Android app with two other students that turns images into music.

I think about going to grad school to study Computer Graphics. But I know nothing about graphics so I talk to the graphics professor who gives me a pass for SIGGRAPH 2012 to learn more, and I find a visual effects company looking for programmers.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 set 2010 ano
12 jun 2012 ano
~ 1 years and 9 months