July 1, 2024

Aceh War (26 mar 1873 ano – 6 nov 1884 ano)


In 1871, the de facto British Protectorate in Aceh ended in exchange for the Dutch territory on the Gold Coast. This resulted in a swift invasion by 1873 by the Dutch. [A conflict that lasted 30 years IOTL]

However, Aceh was supported by British and Sardinian arms and money, with Sardinia generals volunteering in the Acehnese military. In 1878 a secret treaty was signed between Aceh and Sardinia, which prompted Sardinia's entry into the war in 1879. In exchange, Aceh would become a protectorate of Sardinia in case of a Dutch defeat.

Fighting would continue until the unrelated Hamburg Convention. In the agreement, Sardinia gave up its claims to New Guinea in exchange for acceptance of the Aceh Protectorate.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


26 mar 1873 ano
6 nov 1884 ano
~ 11 years