June 15, 2024

METAL AGE (According to Archaeology) (28 abr 4000 ano antes da era comum – 11 ago 2017 ano)


The Metal Age begins approximately at this time, and continue to be in use for many centuries, based on the use of different tribes, civilizations and current nations and industries.

If we compare historical books and commentaries, we soon see that these Ages occurred at different dates around the world as nations developed at varying rates in the areas where they lived.

An expert in archaeology (Leen Ritmeyer, Archaeological Architect) has given us the following dates for lands in the Middle East:

• Stone Age: prior to 3,000 BC
* Copper Age: 4,000 BC - 3,000 BC
• Bronze Age: 3,300 BC to 1,200 BC
• Iron Age: 1,200 BC to 586 BC

We notice that some dates overlap each other. This is because no ‘Age’ had a clear–cut beginning or end. A modern day illustration of this can be seen in how many people today would use the internet for reference and research, whereas others still refer to books.

As long as Metals continue to be used by humans, we could say the Metal Age in reality is the longest Age, compared to other historic periods.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


28 abr 4000 ano antes da era comum
11 ago 2017 ano
~ 6021 years
