June 15, 2024

Tonkin Campaign (25 abr 1882 ano – 16 ago 1883 ano)


Following a series of conflicts in the Cochinchina colony, the French declared war on Vietnam in 1882.

The French initially had very few troops located without Indochina and as a result quickly consolidated their armies into Cochinchina. During June, the French dug in behind their defenses and beat off half-hearted Vietnamese demonstrations. The early arrival of reinforcements and the recruitment of Cochinchinese allowed the French to hit back at his attackers.

The arrival of substantial naval reinforcements further strengthened the French position in Tonkin. The Vietnamese asked for an armistice, and in August the French dictated the Treaty of Huế. In it the Vietnamese recognized the legitimacy of the French occupation of Cochinchina and accepted a French protectorate over Annam and Tonkin.

The Vietnamese Royal Family Survived, but under French direction. Large swathes of territory were also transferred from Annam to the French colony of Cochinchina. The French cancelled the country's debts, but required in return the cession of the southern province of Bình Thuận, which was annexed to Cochinchina.

While the official government had surrendered, the Black Flag Army would continue to fight the french until 1886

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


25 abr 1882 ano
16 ago 1883 ano
~ 1 years and 3 months