June 15, 2024

Reform War (5 fev 1857 ano – 1 jan 1861 ano)


Also known as the FIrst Mexican Civil War.

The divide between Liberals and Conservatives within the Second Federal Republic of Mexico, grew heavily since the Mexican American War. Liberals desired the creation of a modern state founded on liberal principles, while the Conservatives wanted a centralist government, with the Church and military keeping their roles and powers

This struggle erupted into a full-scale civil war when the Liberals, began to implement a series of laws designed to strip the Church and military of its privileges and property. The liberals then promulgated the Constitution of 1857, which gave constitutional force to their program.

Conservative resistance to this culminated in the Plan of Tacubaya, which ousted the government in a coup d'etat and took control of Mexico City, forcing the Liberals to move their government to the city of Veracruz. The rest of the states had to choose whether to side with the Conservative or Liberal government.

The Liberals lacked military experience and lost most of the early battles, but the tide turned when Conservatives twice failed to take the liberal stronghold of Veracruz. The government of U.S. recognized the Liberal government and mediated the McLane-Ocampo Treaty, which if ratified would have given the Liberal regime cash but also granted the U.S. transit rights through Mexican territory.

Liberal victories accumulated thereafter until Conservative forces surrendered in January 1861. While the Conservative forces lost the war, guerrillas remained active in the countryside for years after.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


5 fev 1857 ano
1 jan 1861 ano
~ 3 years and 10 months