June 15, 2024

War of the Confederation (28 dez 1836 ano – 25 ago 1839 ano)


The creation in 1836 of the Peru–Bolivian Confederation caused great alarm in the neighboring countries. The potential power of this confederation aroused the opposition of Argentina and Chile. Chile was very concerned that the new Confederacy would break the regional balance of power and even be a threat to Chilean independence, and so became immediately its enemy.

After a series of raids and border conflicts, the Confederation tried to negotiate peace with Chile, who demanded; the Confederation pay all debt owed to Chile, limitation of the army and navy, compensation to Chile for the conflicts, and the dissolution of the Confederation. When they agreed to all but the last term, Chile declared war, with Argentina joining soon after.

While Argentina was defeated in 1837, the conflict continued for two years until the Chilean victory in the Battle of Yungay, resulting in the dissolution of the Peru-Bolivian Confederation.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


28 dez 1836 ano
25 ago 1839 ano
~ 2 years and 7 months