June 15, 2024

Construction of the Nicaragua Canal (26 dez 1888 ano – 17 maio 1903 ano)


Starting in 1888 with the formation of the United States Nicaraguan Canal Company [or USNCC] the United States began to plan work on the Nicaraguan Canal. Primarily through the use of the GRCA workforce, the construction of the canal began in 1891 and after twelve years of construction, the canal wars complete.

The United States officially leased the canal and surrounding territories on July 2 for ten thousand a year [or 250 thousand in modern money]. The Union Canal Territory was established with its capital in Greytown. The land leased was to stretch from the Costa Rica border, to the northernmost reaches of the Punta Gorda river going west until hitting the Pacific. All islands however below this line, both in lake Nicaragua and the various oceans, remained under the control of the GRCA.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


26 dez 1888 ano
17 maio 1903 ano
~ 14 years