June 15, 2024

Mexican Revolution (10 nov 1910 ano – 24 maio 1920 ano)


The failure of the 35-year long regime of president Porfírio Díaz, a series of political crisis between competing factions of the elite and the fraudulent elections of 1910 were among the first causes of the Mexican Revolution. Over the first years of that decade, the Revolution changed from a revolt against the Díaz government to a multi-sided civil war involving the middle class, indigenous peoples, the peasantry, industrial workers and several military cliques. Conservative forces under general Victoriano Huerta sought, starting in 1913, to reimpose the old Porfirian order, but revolts ensued in the northern states under Venustiano Carranza and peasant leader Emiliano Zapata.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


10 nov 1910 ano
24 maio 1920 ano
~ 9 years and 6 months