June 15, 2024

Paraguay Civl War (27 maio 1922 ano – 10 jul 1923 ano)


After the devastating War of the Triple Alliance, Paraguay was shattered and broken almost beyond recognition; the vast majority of its male population dead or orphaned. The extreme demographic and economic damage was not all, however, as both Brazil and Argentina took slices of land off the Guarani Republic and effectively only kept it's sovereignty as a buffer state between the two nations. Rebuilding and recovering from that disaster was no easy feat, and political instability still corroded the nation. In 1904, a Liberal revolution against the rule of Colorados broke out. The Liberal rule started a period of great political instability, which culminated in a Civil War in 1922 between rival political factions.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


27 maio 1922 ano
10 jul 1923 ano
~ 1 years