// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Spring Offensive (21 mar 1918 ano – 18 jul 1918 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Spring Offensive (21 mar 1918 ano – 18 jul 1918 ano)


A desperate and poorly planned German offensive, devised when Germany realized they were getting close to losing the war.
The offensive was supposed to break through Allies lines on the front, and circle around to attack the British forces from Behind. They were hoping that by defeating the British, the French would as for an armistice.
When the offensive was underway, the plan began to fall apart. Allied forces let them take the strategically useless ground, and focused their defenses at the key points.
The Germans were moving forward too quickly on the useless land for supplies and reinforcements to reach the front when they were needed.
The lack of supplies and poor planning caused the offensive to grind to halt, leaving the Germans with useless land, depleted resources, and thinly spread troops.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 mar 1918 ano
18 jul 1918 ano
~ 3 months and 29 days