// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Battle of Passchendaele (31 jul 1917 ano – 10 nov 1917 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Battle of Passchendaele (31 jul 1917 ano – 10 nov 1917 ano)


Also known as the Third Battle of the Ypres.
Both sides were stuck in a stalemate, with very little change in position since the start of the war. The British planned an assault to break the position, and to seize control of an important railway junction that was providing supplies to some crucial German operations.
Though the first few attacks were a massive success, the British advance was hampered by bad conditions and a over-eager plan.
By November 10th, some land had been gained, but too many resources had been wasted. The British called off the operation without capturing the railway.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


31 jul 1917 ano
10 nov 1917 ano
~ 3 months and 12 days