June 15, 2024

The War of Oivea (6 h 14 m, 18 fev 411 ano – 11 h 47 m, 3 jun 411 ano)


Hordes of Galbhan (G̈halíbíhän) vs Lord of Oivea (Mod. Oiove)
Galbhan wanted to replenish his supplies after the harsh winter of 410-411 devastated his people.
Galbhan victory

The Szahan chieftan, G̈halíbíhän the Terrible, attacked the nearest Oipentan town, Oivea (mod. Oiove) in order to obtain food for his people who were starving from the brutal winter of 410-411. He gathered his cavalry and attacked Oivea in the early dawn to gain an upper hand through a suprise attack. Originally, G̈halíbíhän planned for it to be a quick raid, but after some of his horse warriors kidnapped 5 of the Oivean women, the Lord of Oivea, Pyïlosa III Vešëla, attacked back. Once Vešëla rescued the hostages, he allowed his soldiers to ransack and destroy the Szahan village and other ones on the way back to Oivea. This resulted in Galbhan to retaliate and he launched a full on siege against Oivea. The siege began on February 26 and ended on June 3, leading both sides to fall victim of disease, but the Oiveans also suffered from famine. By the beginning of June, Vešëla had lost his wife, his two sons, and his youngest daughter, leaving him only with his brother, nephew, and eldest daughter. He decided to end the siege by giving up Oivea to Galbhan entirely. So near midnight on June 2, he sent all of the women and children and some of his soldiers and other men on multiple boats and had them sail to the south until theey reached the Cedian Coast. The new refugees did not reach the coast and instead got lost and landed 53 miles west of the original landing spot. From there, they had to begin the dangerous and long trek of 244 miles to Kueplios in order to explain what had happened to Oivea. Once they reached him on June 19 (walking an average of 15.25 miles per day), they told the story of what had happened and Bípiyal promptly declared war against Galbhan, leading to the War of Galbhan. Lord Vešëla was taken prisoner and so was the rest of his family. Galbhan took his daughter hostage as a bride and executed Vešëla for making all the citizens flee. He kept Vešëla's brother prisoner and had him work on repairing the village. For his nephew, Galbhan had him be made his horseboy (an occupation in tribal Szahan cultural that was highly adorned and sought after by young boys if they wanted to become powerful horselords one day).

Vešëla's nephew, Vïknëpa Vešëla, was killed during the War of Galbhan in the Iumpeixa Skirmish (419). This left the only successor of the Vešëla line being to his father, but he would later die in the Siege of Kueplios (422-423) when he tried to escape to the safety of Kueplios. After his death, Vešëla's daughter, who now had 3 sons and one girl, was the only successor to the Vešëla Dynasty.

After the War of Galbhan, Galbhan was executed by order of King Bípiyal of Oipenta. Control over Oivea was given to Vešëla's daughter, Ietokea, and she ruled under the name of Lady Ietokea Vešëla. Her son, Pyïlos, would succeed her after her death in 434. Pyïlos was the son of Galbhan and his line would eventually become the first Dukes of Yelšpenta.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


6 h 14 m, 18 fev 411 ano
11 h 47 m, 3 jun 411 ano
~ 3 months and 15 days