June 15, 2024

Period 7 (1 jan 1890 ano – 31 dez 1945 ano)


American/National Identity:
-New immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe at first considered not American are considered "white" by end of World War II.
-New status as a global Superpower.
-New era of heavy government involvement in economy and life.

Politics and Power:
-Return of the Democrats in power with Woodrow Wilson in 1912, then Franklin Delano Roosevelt from 1932-1945.
-Women achieve suffrage with 19th Amendment in 1920.
-Segregation and disenfranchisement continues for African-American, who return from WWII ready for civil rights.
-Japanese-Americans treated with suspicion, put in internment camps after Pearl Harbor.

Work, Tech, and Exchange:
-Period of major innovation: Phone, Electricity, RADIO, CAR, flight, etc.
-Laissez-faire economics, weak farm economy, and buying on the margin leads to Great Depression.
-New Deal helps people suffering, WWII ends the Depression.
-Emerges from WWII as world's strongest economy, post-war economic boom.

Culture and Society:
-Backlash against immigrants and African-Americans leads to Second KKK.
-Great Migration leads to Harlem Renaissance, renewal of Black Culture with art and Jazz.
-After WWI, Lost Generation critiques American consumerism, lost of life after war.

Migration and Settlement:
-Massive increase in immigration leads to nativist backlash, legislation in the 1920s (Emergency Quota Act and National Origins Act.)
-Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North to escape racial discrimination, economic opportunity in factories.

-New techs make the world a smaller place; beginnings of globalization.
-Beginnings of the conservation movement.
-Atlantic and Pacific oceans shield US from damage in WWI, WWII.
-Development of the Atomic Bomb.

America in the World:
-America expands in the world after the Spanish-American War, era of American imperialism.
-Late involvement in WWI after Zimmerman Telegram.
-America returns to isolationism after WWI, refuses to join League of Nations.
-Plays big role in WWII, emerges as global superpower committed to intervention.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

1 meses atrás


1 jan 1890 ano
31 dez 1945 ano
~ 56 years