June 15, 2024

Period 6 (1 jan 1865 ano – 31 dez 1898 ano)


American/National Identity:
-Increasing American identity after Civil War and as the United States becomes an industrial power.

Politics and Power:
-Brief period of citizenship for Black men in the South ended by Jim Crow laws.
-Republicans dominate this period by waving the "bloody shirt," appealing to Civil War veterans holding a grudge against Democrats.

Work, Tech, and Exchange:
-General rise in living conditions as goods became cheaper due to mass production, though increasing wealth inequality.
-United States becomes leading industrial power thanks to expansion of steel (Bessemer Process) and railroads.
-Harsh working conditions, especially for immigrants; leads to the development of labor unions to fight against corporate power.
-Rise of "Robber Barons" (Carnegie, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt etc.) and the Gilded Age.

Culture and Society:
-Popularity of Social Darwinism: belief that some people and cultures are better than others due to evolution.
-Gospel of Wealth by Carnegie encourages wealthy to give back by investing in society (Carnegie Hall, etc.)
-Social Gospel called for good Christians to do charity work for the urban poor.

Migration and Settlement:
-Continued western migration among whites (Homestead Act) and blacks (Exoduster Movement)
-Completion of Manifest Destiny (Closing of the Frontier Thesis)
-End of "Old Immigrants" from Northern and Western Europe (Ireland and Germany), rise of "New Immigrants" from Eastern and Southern Europe (Italy and Russia).
-Exclusion of Asia people from immigration (Chinese Exclusion Act).
-Settlement Houses to help immigrants adjust to American life (Jane Adams' Hull House).

-Crowded cities with bad sanitation; illness common.
-West is "conquered" with barbed wire, mass slaughter of the buffalo.

America in the World:
-Dominated by conflicts with Native Americans in "Indian Wars."
-Largely isolationist from world affairs as we focus on industrialization.

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1 jan 1865 ano
31 dez 1898 ano
~ 34 years