June 15, 2024

Period 2 (1 jan 1607 ano – 31 dez 1754 ano)


American/National Identity:
-English settlers considered themselves "British," not American.
-Identity largely based on region (New England, Middle Colonies, Chesapeake, Southern Colonies) and class.

Politics and Power:
-Development of self-government in the colonies.
-Generally democratic in New England (town hall meetings, Mayflower Compact.)
-Dominated by elites/wealthy in South (Virginia House of Burgesses)
-Britain practiced salutary neglect, letting colonies do their own thing.

Work, Tech, and Exchange:
-In New England: Subsistence farming, shipbuilding, fishing, timber. Few slaves used as house servants and farm hands.
-In Middle Colonies: Export economy based on cereal crops (wheat, corn etc.), fur trade with Native Americans. Moderate amount of slaves working as dock workers.
-In Chesapeake and Southern Colonies: Cash-crop (tobacco, sugar) economy reliant on indentured servants and later slaves. Largest number of slaves working on plantations.

Culture and Society:
-New England life based around Puritan religion, almost entirely British.
-Middle Colonies most ethnically and religiously diverse, good relations with Native Americans (Quakers in Pennsylvania)
-Southern Colonies use strict racial system; plantation owners on top, slaves at the bottom (slave codes).
-First Great Awakening encouraged challenges to religious authority, gave all colonies a common experience. Will contribute to Revolutionary thought.

Migration and Settlement:
-Religious dissidents (Puritans) migrate to the North for religious freedom.
-People migrate to the South largely seeking economic opportunity
-Massive importation of slaves.

-Climate and soil differences led to subsistence farming in the North, massive plantations in the South.
-Illness common in marshy south.

America in the World:
-Continued competition, violence with Native Americans for land (King Phillip's War)
-Conflict between European countries for land in America

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

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1 jan 1607 ano
31 dez 1754 ano
~ 148 years