June 15, 2024

Iran White Revolution (1 set 1963 ano – 1 set 1979 ano)


This period is know as the White Revolution since there was supposed to be no blood shed.

During this time Iran economy experienced rapid growth planned with US economist insight and aid. The Shah helped expand western oil companies' operations. In contrast to the elected and overthrown Mosaddegh who wanted to nationalize oil production for the people. British Petroleum (BP co.) exploiters started and grew from this period ultimately making the rich richer.

Unsuccessfulness also came from Western practices being pushed drastically and quickly changing people's lives. This western push caused Islamist to go underground and fueled a radical re-bounce to before colonization. This eventually led to the fall of the Shah in 1979.

The Shah exiled people who criticized this 'growth' such as Ruhollah Khomeini. It alienated Iranian people from outside connections. The US was the only supporter and pushed americanization.

The Shah lost suport of conseravtives and only made enomies.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 set 1963 ano
1 set 1979 ano
~ 16 years
