June 15, 2024

Vietnam war (1 nov 1955 ano – 30 abr 1975 ano)


The Vietnam war happened just after vietnam had gained independence from france. Without a government officially set up two parties were formed communist Ho Chi Minh and Capitalist Ngo Dinh Diem. The two parties had separate bases and the US trying to prevent the spread of communism closely watched until the gulf of tonkin which we used to justify getting directly involved in the war. The war shifted from a civil war to a full blown fight between north vietnam and the US. The north used guerilla warfare to fight back against the more advanced US army. The US launched a fierce air bombing campaign on north vietnam also using agent orange and napalm to deforest north vietnam. As the war waged on escalation got worse and soldiers along with officers became more and more uneasy. With the Tet offensive north vietnam shock the south with a surprise attack gaining many southern vietnamese cities and posts, but with in two day a majority of them had been gained back but this went over extremely poorly at home. This spurred peace talks between the US and north vietnam but did not originally include the NFL or Southern Vietnam, which lead to a bitter stalemate. Finally in 1973 North Vietnam and the US reached an agreement and the US pulled out but North and SOuth VIetnam continued to fight till 1975.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

7 jun 2018


1 nov 1955 ano
30 abr 1975 ano
~ 19 years
