June 15, 2024

Third Intermediate Period Historic events Egypt again falls under Nubian and Lybian rule Art movements Bronze sculpting reaches its height Many statues are richly inlaid with gold and silver Kushite fold (the facial ‘smile’ line from the nose to the mouth) Nubians depicted with dark skin and hooped earrings, braided hair (1 jan 1069 ano antes da era comum – 1 jan 664 ano antes da era comum)


Historic events
Egypt again falls under Nubian and Lybian rule
Art movements
Bronze sculpting reaches its height
Many statues are richly inlaid with gold and silver
Kushite fold (the facial ‘smile’ line from the nose to the mouth)
Nubians depicted with dark skin and hooped earrings, braided hair

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1069 ano antes da era comum
1 jan 664 ano antes da era comum
~ 405 years