June 15, 2024

3rd Incursion (31 maio 305 ano – 23 h 59 m, 31 mar 311 ano)


The Third Incursion occurred in the year 305. On May 31st, 305, Sato announced the Third Incursion, an incursion made to vent the Valkyrians' anger about the leaking of Asgard II information.

The leak of Asgard II's information has been a convoluted and debated story. It was discovered by Valkryian Spies that Griefers had managed to get ahold of Asgard II's city plans, military information, strategies, troop movements, city weaknesses, and other Asgard II information. Many stories have been made speculating the destruction of Asgard II. It had to be someone in a high position to get such information, However nobody knows for certain who leaked such information. Regardless, the news of the leak caused the residents of Asgard II to panic, with some fleeing. Valkryia decided to blow up and grief Asgard II so that no one else could claim to have destroyed the city. All of Valkryia was angered after the destruction of the city and initiated the Third Incursion.

A volunteer base was made near spawn around a small stone brick and water town constructed by Bammerbeast. It consisted of castles made of duped items like emeralds. However, in the timespan of October 22nd of 305 to October 18th of 306, Volunteer Base was destroyed. Valkryia started to focus on making 7 spawn bases, each representing the 7 deadly sins. But one of the spawn bases, Wrath Outpost, looked so good that the entire incursion started focusing on that single base.

Wrath Outpost was used as the main base of operations at spawn during the incursion. It was given the name Wrath as a symbol of Valkyria's rage towards other players following the destruction of Asgard II. Wrath Outpost was made completely out of obsidian, making it difficult to grief. If Wrath fell, the Third Incursion planned to create another spawn base representing another one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Wrath never did fall during the incursion, meaning that only Wrath would be built. The incursion used leftovers from previous dupes and infinite items to bring them the obsidian they need.

For the next few years, newfags and people who tried to stop the Third Incursion were killed. Even people such as Popbob were forced to flee. By the end, the incursion was a humongous success. After the end of the incursion a few people continued to fight but eventually left.

Quote from Sato, Last Leader of Valkyria

"The third incursion was mainly motivated by anger and frustration. Asgard II was recently destroyed and most of the people living in the city were caught by this feeling of hate. I knew that if I let this situation go unchecked, the people would scatter again like it happened at Belegost. So I called a new Incursion and took advantage of the Asgardian’s revolt and anger to fuel this new event. Before Asgard II was destroyed, calling a new incursion was something unthinkable to me, because of how senselessly violent the last one was. But If I had to call a new one to maintain the unity of our group, then I decided to organize it the best I could. I projected the Third Incursion to be an event less violent than the second and more creative and open to everyone. And it worked beautifully."

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4 meses atrás


31 maio 305 ano
23 h 59 m, 31 mar 311 ano
~ 5 years and 10 months