June 15, 2024

2nd Weapon Advancement Era (9 set 2020 ano – 13 set 2021 ano)


Dirt (Sep 9, 2020): Jake finds dirt chunks and chucks them. They are mainly used as last-resort environmental weapons, but so far they have not been perfected as real weapons. Used mostly for recreational activity.

Long Pencil (Oct 4, 2020): Jake takes a pencil and binds it together with another pencil using metal wire. He uses this to defend himself from ID bandits.

Metal Sticks (Nov 4, 2020): Some sids unhooked pieces of the chain link fence to get pieces of metal to use for insuring fear. They were more durable than normal pencils/sticks, but they got dull super fast.

Blowdart (December ?, 2020): Lane invents a blowdart out of paper and thumbtacks. This weapon could be catastrophic to any army that waged conflict against him, since the blowdart was hard to replicate and difficult to shoot.

Rubber Bands (Mar 26, 2021): People start shooting rubber bands at each other. Probably happened earlier but whatever.

Rubber Band Musket (Apr 5, 2021): Jake was sad after missing the battle of Vicksburg. So to cheer himself up, he tinkered with his music stand. He ended up developing a Rubber Band Musket. It can fire up to 10 feet and can reload in 10 seconds. This revolutionized Mickle warfare & changed the way weapon technology was viewed (bc now you could make a weapon out of anything).

Dandelions (May 5, 2021): Jake takes a dandelions and smacks his friends with them.

Rubber Band Musket MK II (Sep 13, 2021): Jake figures outs how to use more rubber band types so he can fire it more often. This re-revolutionized the already devastating weapon.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


9 set 2020 ano
13 set 2021 ano
~ 1 years