June 15, 2024

The Velzen Depression (13 maio 1918 ano – 29 ago 1934 ano)


Before the 4th Hells War, Velzenia was stuck in the Slave Depression, an economic crisis caused by the abolishment of slavery in the Velzen Empire. The government tried to reverse the depression after the abolishment but failed countless times due to the severity and large void in the economy. However, Emperor Pilos XVI Valkas began to order the construction of war vehicles and supplies for his upcoming invasion of Xeeri. He shifted the empire's economy from a mostly agrarian one to almost an entirely war-centered economy. This helped fuel the economy and give jobs to workers as well as increase GDP in the nation, allowing for the Slave Depression to finally end after 11 years.

However, in the last quarter of the 4th Hells War, the amount of casaulties increased so much for Velzenia that they lost a significant amount of workers. This was esepecially due to workers being drafted as more and more injuries and deaths from the front lines occurred. The lack of workers forced an eventual complete shutdown of industry in Velzenia and by mid-1920, the nation was no longer producing usuable weapons, tanks, and ammunition. This allowed the allied side to take the initiative and drive towards Thes, thus ending the war in 1921.

However, despite the war's end, Velzenia continued to suffer from the depression and it worsened. The lack of avaliable workers and the increased amount of jobs as the economy shifted entirely from a war-economy to an industrial one brought more chaos. This completely destabilized the young Velzen Republic and allowed organized crime and gangs to develop.

The depression began to get better in the mid-1920s but with the outbreak of the Pentan-Velzen War, the depression worsened once again as more people were killed and more jobs were left vacant. When the Velzen Republic was annexed by Oipienta, the new rulers of the land began pouring money into restoring the demolished cities and factories. They also invested more into education and work schools in order to educate the poor and former slave families on how to operate industrial machinery and fulfill the vast vacant jobs left in the former empire. Refugees from other nations also began to immigrate to the Velzen region for opportunity which also helped fix the unemployment issues. As more jobs began being filled, births increased, and immigrants began working lower payed jobs, the economy of the Velzen region bounced back after decades of crisis and by the mid-1930s, the economy was growing and out of debt.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


13 maio 1918 ano
29 ago 1934 ano
~ 16 years