June 15, 2024

The Slave Depression (1 jul 1896 ano – 17 maio 1908 ano)


After Velzenia abolished slavery, the nation fell into a catastrophic depression as the economy completely collapsed. This forced extremely high prices and starvation as plantations lost all workers and grocers were not gaining cheap produce.

To try to solve the collapsing economy, Emperor Pilos XII Valkas first tried to create new jobs for the free slaves but that initiative failed. He then tried to reach out to other nations for loans but none would give them to him. Then he began to reindustrialize which did work. He focused the economy into a war economy and produced new weapons of war, including the first tank and new rifles. He also started funding an airforce and building numerous planes to help with the future visions he had. Emp. Valkas then talked about invading Xeeri and then GRossya in order to gain new workers who he could use for agriculture and solving the economic crisis. His ministers agreed and then he invaded the small southern country. However, as time went on, the war began to worsen for Velzenia and its lands became devastated by bombs, trenches, and warfare, obliterating fields and pastures. The nation began to lose people instead of gaining people through the amount of deaths, injuries, and refugees produced from the chaos and by the end of it all, Velzenia had lost almost everything. The depression, in the last quarter of the war, turned into a full disaster. Velzenia became the worst economy in al of Mhelinst. Emperor Valkas was hanged by revolting peasants.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

16 dias atrás


1 jul 1896 ano
17 maio 1908 ano
~ 11 years