June 15, 2024

Lesson 4: The Colonial Roots of America’s Founding Ideals (1 jan 1607 ano – 31 dez 1734 ano)


Colonists arrived on inhabited territory, where they had to create relationships with indigenous who taught them how to harvest in exchange for materials.Turns out, colonists brought, wiped out the indigenous, and introduced, where they mostly worked in southern states. Colonists decided to maintain their government, with the Magna carta as foundation. It established english men's rights and self-government. Making town meeting lay a foundation for the future government in the colonies where they would each establish their own government. Self government brought them together, but religious beliefs separated them. Act of Religious Tolerance, christians could practice their religion in peace. However, this didn't apply for non-christians, jews experienced prejudice in most colonies. The colonies followed English laws, meaning they didn't tolerate freedom of expression. After Zenger's trial, where he had been imprisoned for speaking his mind, the idea of freedom of speech was promoted and legalizedl.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1607 ano
31 dez 1734 ano
~ 128 years
