June 15, 2024

Ludwig Van Beethoven (1 jan 1770 ano – 1 jan 1827 ano)


Arguably one of the most well known and popular composers of all time, Beethoven was most famed of his ability to translate emotion into music. With a lot of pressure on him since the early ages from his father to make a great musical prodigy just like Mozart, he finally got the opportunity to study under the teaching of Mozart in Vienna (in 1787, 16 years old). However, due to his mother's death from tuberculosis at this time, his trip was delayed until 1797, where he stayed in Vienna for the rest of his life. During the start of the 19th, Beethoven's hearing also began to diminish, in which he went completely deaf in 1827. He often described this as 'eternal separation' and 'agony'. Even through his troubles that he faced along the journey, Beethoven has influenced many of the future composers and the music periods coming beyond, giving his true fame and legacy

Born: (Unclear) 1770, December
Died: 1827, March 26th
Nationality: German

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1770 ano
1 jan 1827 ano
~ 57 years
