June 15, 2024

Romantic Period (1 ago 1820 ano – 1 dez 1900 ano)


Just like what it's name tells you, the Romantic period had pieces that almost sounded like they were telling a story about love, with greater varieties in dynamics, emotion, and complex rhythms that really started separating itself from the previous periods. Dynamics could go all the way up to FFFF (fortessississimo), while it could go all the way down to PPPP (pianissississimo). Also, unlike the previous periods, the pieces varied in form, rhythm, and themes, hence how the music feels like it was almost trying to tell a story. Furthermore, composers did not rely on the base rules of writing a piece, instead went along their own style and format they liked, possibly given influence from the age of enlightenment, and the rising ideas of science and freedom.

Styles: Symphonies, Nocturnes, Overtures, Program Music, Rhapsody, E.T.C

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 ago 1820 ano
1 dez 1900 ano
~ 80 years