June 15, 2024

The Duyavarman Rebellion (29 fev 1448 ano – 20 maio 1449 ano)


Led by former Oipientian General Yícíb Hèrma of Shirtaya.
Major Battle: The Battle of Dehir
(Also known as the Fifth Oipientian Civil War)

Gen. Yícíb Hèrma of Shirtaya (B: 1401.01.16; D: 1455.05.08) led a rebellion against the Oipientian Empire as he believed Wodov Laporot became disillusioned and was becoming more like King Rolísis Fèsbotsèy the Mad. He also had a feel for a lot autonomy due to being the leading Northern Oipientian General during the 2nd Hells War, giving him complete governance over the Oipientian lands after Larifien was conquered. The war lasted a little over a year but because Wodov lost many key battles, he decided to allow Hèrma to become independent, thinking that he would eventually annex the new nation in a later time. However, Wodov was murdered barely a year after the war ended which gave Duyavarm more time.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

16 dias atrás


29 fev 1448 ano
20 maio 1449 ano
~ 1 years and 2 months