June 15, 2024

Betty palmer is at boarding house (unkniown death date) (1 out 1986 ano – 31 dez 1986 ano)


Betty Palmer arrived at 1426 F Street at some point in the fall of 1986. Palmer was a strange, secretive 78-year-old woman who had been diagnosed several times with various psychiatric disorders and had been receiving SSI benefits since 1974. Palmer had a current prescription for an antipsychotic drug called Haloperidol. Palmer had been prescribed flurazepam in 1985 after she fractured her hip, and she continued to take pain medications "chronically" for hip pain. She liked sedatives and pain medication, and she repeatedly asked physicians to prescribe benzodiazepines (a group of drugs including flurazepam) for her. Palmer had a history of seeking medical treatment and then signing herself out against medical advice. Defendant obtained a California Identification Card bearing Palmer's name and defendant's picture on October 14, 1986. In December 1986, Palmer's mailing address for her SSI benefit checks was changed to 1426 F street from Palmer's previous address in Redding. Defendant forged Palmer's endorsement on SSI and other checks totaling nearly $7000. She also forged Palmer's signature on applications for HEAP and RAP benefits and for a Renter's Credit in 1987 and 1988.

Sometime in 1986, defendant asked McCauley to dig a hole in the front yard. He dug a two-foot deep hole that was two feet wide. The day after he dug the hole, Ordorica asked him to "fill it up again" and McCauley put the loose dirt back into the hole. In November 1988, Palmer's body was discovered buried in a shallow hole in defendant's front yard.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 out 1986 ano
31 dez 1986 ano
~ 3 months