June 15, 2024

Darius (reign) (23 jan 521 ano antes da era comum – 23 jan 486 ano antes da era comum)


Conquers Northwest India (as far as Indus River), Thrace, Macedonia, western coast of Black Sea.

Big deal.

Better administrator than conqueror (which is important because he was able to keep this massive Empire together. Keep in mind there was basically no long-distance communication at the time except for like messengers who would take a ridiculous amount of time to get from one end of this Empire to the other (if they ever did because safe travel was pretty much nonexistent)).

So Darius did this thing where he got a bunch of different governors to govern and supervisors to supervise until everyone just had to take care of little parts and then report back to him. Some supervisors traveled around and did surprise visits to little places to see how everything was going. (Like how Mr Kevin pops into classrooms every once in a while to see if Kieran is by any chance plotting to use us to take over the school you know kind of like that)

He also was personally devoted to the Zoroastrian religion, though he didn't force it onto anyone else. The religion's popularity did grow the most during his rule.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

13 mai 2018


23 jan 521 ano antes da era comum
23 jan 486 ano antes da era comum
~ 35 years