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April 1, 2024

Three Kingdoms Period (1 jan 220 ano – 31 dez 264 ano)


The Three Kingdoms Period in China lasted from 220 to 265 AD and was a time of political division and military conflict. It was named after the three dominant states of the period: Wei, Shu, and Wu.

The period was marked by frequent warfare and political instability, as the three kingdoms fought for power and territory. Despite this, the period also saw significant cultural developments, including the emergence of new artistic styles and the spread of Taoism and Buddhism.

The Three Kingdoms Period came to an end with the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, which marked a new era of political and cultural transformation in China. Despite its relatively short duration, the Three Kingdoms Period was an important transitional period in Chinese history, as it helped set the stage for the political and cultural achievements of the Jin and subsequent dynasties.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

11 abr 2023


1 jan 220 ano
31 dez 264 ano
~ 45 years