June 15, 2024

the great terror show trials arrests/ interrogations loss of intellectuals skilled workers n officers (1 jan 1934 ano – 20 ago 1936 ano)


kirov affair started great terror: used kirov murder as evidence of widespread conspiracy against soviet govt n leaders. stalin then used opportunity to eliminate all his political opponents

purges n show trials: purge of leningrad, kirov powerbase. thousands accused being trot supporters n involved in plot of murdering kinov n other leading commies. political rivals accused of conspiring with trotsky to overthrow the govt. tried in show trials then exrcuted
red army was trotskys. stalin needed army to be loyal to him only. high ranking commanders n thousands of red army officers accused of treason.head of secret police who caried out purges also not let off. all replaced with younger ppl who owe their position to stalin so they loyal.

secret police arrest question n force ppl to inform against their fam n friends who said shit bout stalin. reported close to 39 million executed n 3 milion imprisoned in forced labour camps. many died frm ill treatment, overwork, poor living conditions.

loss of interlectuals...:
mass excution affected strength of country. stalins workforce towards industrialisation shrank. loss of admin, engineersm n chers affected quality of civil servce. affected efficiency in managing affairs. purge of red army = no experienced commanders to lead army

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1934 ano
20 ago 1936 ano
~ 2 years and 7 months