June 15, 2024

Franco-Spanish War (19 maio 1635 ano – 7 nov 1659 ano)


The Franco-Spanish War was a conflict between France and Spain that lasted from 1635 to 1659. It began as a result of the rivalry between the two countries over control of Europe and their respective territories.

The war was marked by several key battles, including the Battle of Rocroi, and was fought on several fronts, including in Italy and the Spanish Netherlands. The war also saw the involvement of other European powers, such as England and Sweden.

The conflict ended with the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659, which recognized France's dominance in Europe and marked the end of Spain's dominance as a major European power. The war had a significant impact on the politics and society of both France and Spain, and it contributed to the rise of French power in Europe.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


19 maio 1635 ano
7 nov 1659 ano
~ 24 years
