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April 1, 2024

Enlightenment (25 jun 1648 ano – 19 jul 1815 ano)


Widely regarded as the most stable time in history, the Age of Enlightenment was the beginning of the modern world we know today. Wars over religion ended as science, philosophy, and technology became prominent. Renaissance ideas fueled change based on human dignity, rationality, and improvement after 150 years of religious war. God had lost favor and religion had become stale. People became "deists," meaning they viewed God as a wise creator that needed to be understood rather than an all-knowing power.

Science became the best way to explain daily phenomena, and math became the ultimate expression of logic. People began to become educated and began to attain natural rights. A prime example of these rights is the American Declaration of Independence.

The people adopted skeptical, yet optimistic attitudes; they doubted everything until it was proven. They were open, tolerant, and ready to change. This time was peaceful, progressive, and innovative.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

4 jun 2018


25 jun 1648 ano
19 jul 1815 ano
~ 167 years