June 15, 2024

The Bouran-Javician War (19 abr 1717 ano – 13 set 1721 ano)


Javicia vs Krilkot vs Virasema
Javicia claimed complete control over the trading region of Bastards Bay and the Garetia region. Virasema backed their claims to the Garetia region while Krilkot claimed their right for both areas. The war became extremely confusing and costly as Javician troops suffered large amounts of casualties due to sickness and to the elements. This war lead to an easier success for the revolutionary nations during the Great Javician Civil War.
Semi-White Peace
Krilkot gained the majority of control over the Bastards Bay trading region, while Garetia was split in half by Virasema and Javicia.

The war bankrupted Javicia and forced the taxation of numerous unwilling regions in the empire, most notably the regions of Oipienta, Esaslem, Norxhima, Grossya, Soleian colonies, and Larifia.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


19 abr 1717 ano
13 set 1721 ano
~ 4 years and 4 months