June 15, 2024

Kuepliot Volvekeshka Fever Outbreak of 1004 (18 fev 1004 ano – 21 jul 1004 ano)


The Kuepliot Volvekeshka Fever Outbreak of 1004 (often called the 1004 Volvekeshka Outbreak or abbreviated to KVFO-04) was a horrible Volvekeshka Fever (Typhoid Fever) outbreak in the oipientian capital of Kueplios that infected around 34% of the city. Around 592 people died because of the outbreak, including King Iro Valcor of Oipientia and a few nobles who were vistiign the city at the time.

The outbreak was suspected to have been caused by the harsh winter season of 1003-1004. As the winter season forced many Kuepliots and villagers who lived outside or near the limits of the city into the walls. This disrupted and overwhelmed the water supply and the waste infrastructure of Kueplios.

THe Kuepliot Volvekeshka Fever Outbreak of 1004 lasted for half a year and was a large influence in the unhappiness regarding the rule of the Valcor dynasty as they were blamed for the epidemic.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


18 fev 1004 ano
21 jul 1004 ano
~ 5 months and 4 days