// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Allotment Policy (1 jan 1887 ano – 31 dez 1934 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

The Allotment Policy (1 jan 1887 ano – 31 dez 1934 ano)


Introduced through the Dawes Act, the Allotment Policy divided up reservations into smaller units of land (homesteads/allotments). Some hoped this would improve conditions for Native Americans. The act however, continued to ignore tribal nature of Native American life and continued the policy of trying to destroy it.

Native Americans were given land and after 25 years could own it outright and would be granted full citizenship and therefore have rights. However, this was not what Native Americans wanted and it meant little anyway as they continued to face discrimination. The government didn't understand and didn't try to understand the Native American way of life.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1887 ano
31 dez 1934 ano
~ 48 years