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April 1, 2024

Reformation (10 jan 1517 ano – 10 out 1648 ano)


The Reformation was a consequence of the Renaissance: the breakup of the Christian Church, the unambiguous lead for 1000 years. Its leaders were Martin Luther and John Calvin. It became the basis of Protestantism and moved away from the magic of religion to the science of modern Protestantism.

The Catholic Church stated that Christians should live life, make mistakes, participate in community, serve, and ask for help from the Church; through these acts would they be good people. However, abuses of power including the sale of indulgences undermined the authority of the church. Religion became instead a personal choice.

The main accomplishment of the Reformation was the transfer of power from the Church to the state. It made the world more emotional, complex, dark, and fearful.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

4 jun 2018


10 jan 1517 ano
10 out 1648 ano
~ 131 years