June 15, 2024

The Fopesos Riots (24 set 1445 ano – 29 set 1445 ano)


The Fopsesos Riots were a series of armed protests in the city of Fopesos that were mainly against Oipientian occupation of the town. Emperor Wodov Laporot responded by having all of the city's men taken and sent to work in the Empire's newly owned mines in the Nuomdeim Mountains. The men were sent after the result of the Second Hells War and those who were weak or were children were killed in what became known as the Tsãkañar Massacre. The bodies of the dead men and boys were thrown into the the Tsãkañar Lake, where they were never found until Fopesos was reopened in 1714.

After the men were taken from Fopesos, all land and sea connections were destroyed, leaving the settlement isolated from the rest of the world. Although, during the Isolation period of Fopesos, there were many reports of sailors who spotted what they thought was an abandoned city being occupied by vagrants or savages. The mythical Faposi Man, a hairy man-like beast that was 8 feet tall, was derived from local sailor legend Fopesosian men trying to get help from the passing ships. The city was taken off every map and a restricted zone was implemented in the 1500s to try and stop locals from attempting to reach the city. The population of the town continued to be stable during the isolation period as the women adopted the mens' jobs as farmers and the remaining men who hid from the Oipientian soldiers had children with the women. When the city was reopened, it was a common stereotype that everyone was related there (which was true) but that the town was extremely backwards de to no technological developments reaching them. Their own language was developed (known as Faposi) and after the city was reopened, a massive amount of Fopesosians moved into the countryside. The city was horribly overpopulated in the 1700s and this was the primary reason to reopen it.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


24 set 1445 ano
29 set 1445 ano
~ 5 days