June 15, 2024

The Harmonic Convergence (16 ago 1987 ano – 1 jan 0 ano)


"Much has been said of the Harmonic Convergence. It represented a crossing over point in consciousness in which an unprecedented event occurred. Triggered by a supernova within a neighbouring galaxy, 1987 bore witness to the beginning of the Age of Synthesis. A series of unprecedented celestial alignments made possible a shift in human brain chemistry, allowing us to finally perceive the unitive Truth behind all the great teachings of the ages. It is important to understand that these marker points are not events, but ongoing developmental processes. The harmonic convergence is still taking place today on many levels as huge previously separate spheres of human endeavour come together. We are now seeing the beginning of the synthesis of all the human sciences and arts, of the left brain and the right brain, of the male and the female, of the East and the West. The harmony is, as the great sage Heraclitus said, a hidden harmony, but it is now becoming increasingly more apparent."

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


16 ago 1987 ano
1 jan 0 ano
~ 40 years
