June 15, 2024

The Melodic Resonance (21 dez 2012 ano – 1 jan 0 ano)


"As the most talked-about date in recent times, there is not much left unsaid about 2012. Let us then put it in the context of this threefold awakening sequence. In metaphorical language, 1987 was the gestation period, 2012 is the birth and 2027 is the coming to fruition of the new order.The real meaning of melody is rooted in the understanding of romance. Melody is that aspect of music that catches the emotional breath and causes human beings to dream. 2012 marks the alignment of humanity as a single organism through the breath and the reawakened awareness of the solar plexus centre.Whatever deep dreams and longings you hold inside you will be seeded and locked in by this date, as we come into resonance with the heart of humanity through the reawakening of the Atlantean/Edenic awareness.

2012 also marks a dividing line in human evolution. If by this date you are not in resonance with the dream that is moving into form, your DNA will be locked out of the story.This is in fact a perfectly natural occurrence. Much of current human DNA must be phased out in order for a new form to be constructed. Therefore, over several generations we will see a great number of old patterns leaving our world. For some considerable time this means that we may have the appearance of two separate realities existing simultaneously — those who are still living within the old system and those who are building the new order."

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 dez 2012 ano
1 jan 0 ano
~ 15 years
