June 15, 2024

The Szahan-Dapranian War (24 mar 1144 ano – 15 jun 1152 ano)


Daprania, Fevekia, Etrill vs Szaha, Jaakar
Szahan horse warriors raided the Dapran town of Efona, raping and killing the locals. This provoked Daprania to declare war against Szaha. Szaha called in Jaakar due to a favor the Jaakarii king had for the Szahan Yíshm. Etrill willingly joined the fight against Szaha hoping to restore their pride after losing to Szaha only a century before. Daprania called in Fevekia due to a marriage alliance the two royal houses had and thus the stage was set for war.

The war lasted quite a while and a complicated series of royal deaths occurred on both sides. Etrill's ruling monarch eitehr died naturally or was murdered every couple of years. Daprania suffered massive domestic struggles with its already overextended territories. Szahan had to deal with uncontrolled hordes and rebellious factions within its own borders, and Jaakar was dealing with famine and an economic depression.

Although the rough circumstances for noth sides persisted throughout the war, Daprania came out victorious. They agreed to a peace treaty written by the Szahan Yíshm, Ũkãr "Stone Eye" Dẽxiir, and declared the independence of a new Dapranian puppet state called the County of Ðãdab. The coutny was a majority Szahan but spoke a dialect of Middle Sourian.

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24 mar 1144 ano
15 jun 1152 ano
~ 8 years and 2 months