June 15, 2024

The Baropentan War (21 mar 1083 ano – 27 dez 1090 ano)


Oipientia, Xeeri, Daprania vs Baropenta, Bahipenta, Vulzes
Oipientia claimed the throne of Baropenta and Vulzes and claimed some titles within Bahipenta
Oipientian victory

King Hernyer was trying to reestablish the former might of Oipientia, so he set his sights on the Iopentan Lowlands. The King of Baropenta, King Javik Oerstasdar (rose to power as a rebel knight during the Southern Revolt), held a meeting between him and King Hernyer of Oipientia where they discussed the terms of trade and possible land exchanges. However, the meeting proved futile as Hernyer was insulted by the Queen Consort of Baropenta who called him a weak and incompetant military ruler. Thus, he declared war on Baropenta on claims of unlawful land seizes in the Oipientian countryside by Baropenta and Vulzes. The war consisted of small battles with no real winner. The war started to become worse as Oipientia closed in on the capital of Vulzes, where the battles over the Vulzes river doubled and more guerilla warfare was used by the Vulzeshi and Baropentans. The war took a different turn when Oipientia was halfway done conquering Baropenta when King Javik of Baropenta surrendered. The King was arrested and then stripped of all his titles and honors and then exiled to Larifien. His wife, however, was executed in Kueplios, alongside their only son. Their daughter was forced to marry Hernyer's son, Anskew. Although Baropenta aand Vulzes were finished, the war dragged on with the fighting being shifted towards Bahipenta, who was a puppet of Vulzes. Hernyer was already growing tired of the conflict and decided to strike an agreement with the prince of Bahipenta, Prince Yuroc Restov-Salkaas, to exchange some titles to Oipienntia and to allow Oipientia to vassalize Bahipenta. The prince agreed and with the Treaty of Bashiaro, the Baropentan War was over. As Oipientia had help from Daprania, 1/4 of the money seized during the war was awarded to them and they gained control of the Oipientixian Cathedral of Saint Baro (whom Baropenta was named for). Daprania held onto the cathedral until the Second Hells War, where it was seized by Oipientian forces.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 mar 1083 ano
27 dez 1090 ano
~ 7 years and 9 months