// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. John Cochrane (1798–1878) (4 fev 1798 ano – 2 jan 1878 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

John Cochrane (1798–1878) (4 fev 1798 ano – 2 jan 1878 ano)


A Scottish chess master and lawyer. While studying law, he became a very strong chess player and published a book on the game, which included the Cochrane variation of the Salvio Gambit, a main line of the King's Gambit.

He played against Labourdonnais, Saint-Amant and later in life other chess masters such as Staunton and Lowenthal.

In 1822 he published "A Treatise on the Game of Chess"

Cochrane is known for his dashing playing style – liberally sacrificing pieces and always attacking. His best-known opening innovations are generally regarded as dubious, although the Cochrane Gambit is still occasionally used as a surprise weapon in master chess.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

11 jul 2022


4 fev 1798 ano
2 jan 1878 ano
~ 79 years
