June 15, 2024

1511 Second FRIULIAN revolt (27 fev 1511 ano – 31 dez 1511 ano)


The revolt of the Cruel Fat Thursday (Venetian: Crudel zobia grassa, Friulian: Crudel joibe grasse) was a revolt that broke out on Fat Thursday in 1511 in Friuli in Northeast Italy.

That led to an isolation of the region in cultural and linguistic terms from Venice, and the absence of any communal governance structures. This exacerbated the discontent of the peasant communities in this still mainly feudal rural area.

To this situation, the local nobility, deprived of its former power by the government of Venice, tried to maintain its social status by exploiting their remaining rights and demanding services from the peasants.

On 27 February 1511, Fat Thursday, Antonio Savorgnan staged an Imperial attack against Udine, using the Cividalian soldiers led by his nephew Alvise da Porto, and calling on the people to defend the city. In the midst of the chaos caused by the failing attack, Savorgnan instigated the plunder of the Della Torre properties.

Followed by a wave of lust for looting, a plunder of almost all Udinese nobility's palaces (except for the Savorgnan palace, the real headquarters of the revolt).

Many members of the Della Torre, Colloredo, della Frattina, Soldonieri, Gorgo, Bertolini families and others were murdered, their bodies were stripped and abandoned in the streets of the city centre, or dragged through the mud and then thrown in nearby cemeteries.

Then the rebels put on the nobles' clothes, staging a macabre masquerade and imitating the ways of the original owners, actually embodying the spirit of "inversion of roles" typical of a carnival. The noblemen who escaped retreated to their castles, or way beyond the Tagliamento river, in the western Friuli.

At that point, Antonio Savorgnan's plan concluded, and while he remained officially unlinked to the riots, it had succeeded in eliminating many of his rival family leaders.

To avoid a betrayal he murdered two of his armed men who knew of his involvement in the massacre and dumped the bodies, together with that of a third witness, in the St John's well.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


27 fev 1511 ano
31 dez 1511 ano
~ 10 months