June 15, 2024

Post-Penguin Era (0 h 1 m, 13 fev 2021 ano – 24 abr 2021 ano)


NetherAnarchy sleepylessons took on as the second admin of TVE, and the server came back online on the 16th of February, bringing definitive change about the server. The start of this era was conflicted, with drama happening out of game (notably in Discord) and the Influx Era events dying out, however a lot of OG attention came back to the server with 3 events : with the foundation of the Wiki, with the 1 year anniversary of TVE and the return of TVE's most influential group, Gulag Gang, and its subgroup Niggang. This era would peak with the Second Spawn Ocean Conflicts, opposing Ocean Drainers aka Gulag Gang and others and the Ocean Makers like AncyenT or cwedin78. After Gulag victory on that war on 24th of April 2021, the server went into it's darker phase yet...

Notable players :
EficaciousMig47, Red_ICE, Lord_Adamus... (not many ppl)

Notable events :
*TVE is Restored (16/02/21)
*Two Ungriefed Portals Discovered (18/02/21)
*Wiki Founded (February 2021)
*1 year of TVE (06/03/21)
*Spawn Ocean War (15/04/21 - 24/04/21)
*The Pubes (16/04/21 - today)

Notable clans:
*Gulag Gang
*Canal Co-Op

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


0 h 1 m, 13 fev 2021 ano
24 abr 2021 ano
~ 2 months and 10 days