June 15, 2024

Middle Era (0 h 1 m, 29 jun 2020 ano – 19 out 2020 ano)


After the TVE Golden Age and two major leaving sprees, the server still survived with a bunch of the OG Players still playing regularly. However, the server culture would change, with OG players still having an important place in the server history and consolidating their achievements, and new players being more autonomous and influential, some spanning to play a long amount of time. It ended with the clearing of the most influential project of the era, the First Massive Spawn Ocean on the 19th of October 2020.

Notable players who joined :
Ramoops, JosephBuilderX, Bennooo, teebee_303, Elioty2, obyx, cwedin78...

Notable events :
*Glitched Portal (30/06/2020)
*1st Massive Spawn Ocean (10/07/2020-19/10/2020)
*Gulag Gang Reserve Raid (18/07/2020)
*1st Mass Wither Deployment (13/08/2020)

Notable clans :
*The Bigmen
*The Coalition

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


0 h 1 m, 29 jun 2020 ano
19 out 2020 ano
~ 3 months and 22 days