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April 1, 2024

Writs of Assistance in Massachusetts (1 jan 1760 ano – 31 dez 1760 ano)


Governor Bernard of Massachusetts authorized revenue officers to use writs of assistance, which were warrants that allowed them to enter any building that they suspected of having smuggled goods. My fellow merchants, the biggest smugglers in the colonies, hired lawyer James Otis to challenge the constitutionality of the writs, and after two and a half years, they were declared constitutional. I often smuggle French goods in order to dodge the higher English prices, so a higher chance of being prosecuted for my behavior is bad for my business. I will have to stop smuggling and buy the more expensive goods from England, while trying to stay ahead of the other merchants, who will continue smuggling.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1760 ano
31 dez 1760 ano
~ 12 months
