June 15, 2024

The Ebrith Family (5 jul 1542 ano – 24 out 1675 ano)


The Ebrith family were a family of highly successful merchants and priests that controlled and highly influenced mainly Rebinethi but also the amjority of Myosa and Western Javicia. The family helped REbinethi become a cultural center and brought forth stronger and better trade routes across and into the Myosan Lake.

One extremely importan figure from the Ebrith family was Rosak Ebrith (1504-1567), who established the first modern bank of Javicia, the Ebrith Bank of Rebinethi. He alos married his children off to both merchants and nobles throughout Javica. He even married his daughter off to Emperor Hiera II. These marriages allowed Rosak to gain more influence in the nation and more power for his family and his companies. The Soleian Joint Stock Company was founded by him and three other heads of wealthy merchant families from Javicia, while the Ebrith Trading Company of Javicia ruled Western Yueroki trade for centuries was highly expanded by Rosak's son, Xerin Ebrith. The golden age of the Ebrith family was during the rule of the Falkots but during the reign of Emperor Ẁof the Able, the Ebrith family were met by laws and restrictions for the merchant class. These restrictions and laws made by Emperor Ẁof pushed many families, including the Ebriths, into slow bankrupcty. The last Ebrith, Hiera Xerifo Ebrith, was hanged by Empress Aelev for his participation and leadership during the Javician Trade Rebellion.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


5 jul 1542 ano
24 out 1675 ano
~ 133 years