June 15, 2024

Vietnam War (1 nov 1955 ano – 28 abr 1975 ano)


The Vietnam war was a costly, long conflict between the USA and North Vietnam (Viet Cong.) USA joined the Vietnam War because they were afraid that the communism from North Vietnam would spread into South Vietnam. 3 million people were killed and more then half of the deaths were from Vietnamese civilians. Some of the American Vets who made it alive were said to have suffered from high rates of divorce, post-traumatic stress disorder, alcoholism, suicide, and drug addiction.
As well as the war taking a toll on people lives, the Vietnam War damaged the U.S. economy severely. President Johnson unleashed a cycle of inflammation of taxes when he wasn’t willing to raise taxes to pay for the war. The war also weakened the morale of the U.S. Army, making the public convinced that the Pentagon had inflated enemy casualty figures to disguise the fact that the country was engaged in a military stalemate. The war also deeply split the Democratic Party, and as of the late 1964, over 60% of the surveyed people identified as Democrats. The party had won seven of the previous nine presidential elections, but the war alienated many blue-collar Democrats and many of them became politically independent or Republicans. The war also undermined liberal reform and made many Americans suspicious of the government. The war also made Americans, especially the baby boomer generation, more cynical and less trusting of the government and the authority. The final outcome of the war was after USA withdrew their troops from helping South Vietnam, the war continued and the communist of North Vietnam took over South Vietnam.

Added by Cara and Nathan


Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 nov 1955 ano
28 abr 1975 ano
~ 19 years
