// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Toys - Transformers: Beast Wars and Beast Machines (1 jan 1996 ano – 31 dez 2001 ano) (Linha do tempo)
April 1, 2024

Toys - Transformers: Beast Wars and Beast Machines (1 jan 1996 ano – 31 dez 2001 ano)


With the failure of the Generation 2 series, Hasbro and Takara decided the franchise needed an overhaul. They went in a new direction and a new beginning. While there had been Transformers that change into robotic animals, the premise of the new line was that all figures would transform into animals with realistic appearances. The Beast Wars toy line was launched in the autumn of 1995, and Mainframe Entertainment produced a computer-generated imagery, or CGI, animated series program to tie in with the new toy line. A fresh idea coupled with a TV series program with strong stories assured this series the success Hasbro and Takara needed, as this series was a giant hit in international markets as well as in Takara's home market, Japan.


Adicionado na linha do tempo:


1 jan 1996 ano
31 dez 2001 ano
~ 6 years
